24 25 Maj 2019
GEIGER Xenakisfestival och Majfest 24-25 maj på Teater Trixter
Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) var en grekisk tonsättare men sedan 1950-talet verksam i Paris, Frankrike. Hans musikaliska utbildning var, i jämförelse med andra tonsättare av samma dignitet, ringa. Han bevistade bland annat Olivier Messiaens masterclasses på 40 och 50-talet och denne sade vid ett tillfälle till Xenakis; (fritt citerat ur minnet) ”Du har den stora lyckan att vara grek och utbildad arkitekt, använd detta och gå din egen väg”.
Den första kvällen på GEIGERs Majfest tillägnar vi helt musik av Iannis Xenakis. Vi har lyckats skrapa ihop ett riktigt fint knippe kammarmusikaliska stycken, några av dem väldigt sällan hörda, iallafall i Sverige!
Majfestens andra dag gör vi ett litet blandat program. Vi bad Saxofonkvartetten stanna kvar och spela ett program med musik av bland andra Marie Samuelsson och Dror Feiler. George Kentros bjuder vi in för att göra ett nytt stycke av Fredrik Olofsson. Detta intresserade oss mycket för att stycket i stort sett består av att George slår sönder en fiol. FLUID DYNAMIX (Fredrik Olofsson och Sören Hermansson) kommer att framföra musik av bland andra Jenny Hettne och Åke Parmerud.
VAR: Teater Trixter, Masthamnsgatan 17, Göteborg
NÄR: 24-25 maj, kl. 19.00 (första akten på scen 20.00)
Förboka gärna: geiger@geigermusik.se
Program Fredag 24 maj
Rebonds A (1988)
Simon Halvarsson: percussion
Kottos (1977)
My Hellgren: cello
XAS (1987)
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet: saxophones
Theraps (1975-6)
Matthias Bauer: contra bass
Komboï (Greek: Κόμβοι, Knots) (1981)
Sonja Leipold: harpsichord, Igor Gross: percussion
Program 25 maj
Dörrarna öppnas 19.00, första akten på scen 20.00
20.00 – This Violin must die!
George Kentros: violin, Fredrik Olofsson: Ghost in the machine
21.00 – Stockholms Saxofonkvartett
Christer Lindwall (*1950) – Cut up (1991)
Marie Samuelsson (*1956) – Signal (1991)
Dror Feiler (*1951) – Ki (1998)
Dror Feiler (*1951) – Anvil and parachutes (1993)
Sören Hermansson: French Horn, Fredrik Olofsson: audio and video
Jenny Hettne (*1977) – Rop, Böljande (2019)
Åke Parmerud (*1953) – Dark Harbour (2015)
Fredrik Olofsson (*1974) – Redeem (2014)
Matthias Bauer (*1959)
Matthias Bauer is a double bass player, improviser and composer, based in Berlin, who is mainly working in the field of improvised and new music. He performed a large repertoire of solo compositions and is working with Berlin based new music ensembles unitedberlin, asian art, Junge Musik and mosaik.
Igor Gross (*1985)
Igor Gross started as a classical percussionist with a lot of collaborations in all the main Austrian Orchesters. During his studies at the Musikuniversität Wien, he more and more developed his primary interests: contemporary music, electronic music, free improvised music, composing and working with composers, and especially using the vibraphone as his own electronic sound machines.
Sonja Leipold (*1983)
Sonja Leipold, harpsichord, born in Villach, studied flute & piano at the Mozarteum Salzburg, and harpsichord & basso continuo at the University of Music Vienna. Focusing on early and contemporary music, she regularly performs as a soloist, basso continuo-player and with her own ensembles at renowned concert festivals all over Europe and Asia.
George Kentros (*1964)
The experimental violinist George Kentros studied at Yale University and the Mannes School of Music in the US as well as at the Royal University College of Music in Stockholm. He has performed as a chamber musician, soloist, and sometime actor across Europe as well as in the US, Central America, Japan, and Australia, primarily with the new music ensemble “the peärls before swïne experience” and the electronic duo “there are no more four seasons.
He has specialized in the newest of art music, and has to date commissioned more than 200 works from composers from 21 countries.
was founded in November 2017 and consists of Sören Hermansson (*1956) and Fredrik Olofsson (*1974). They met in 2013 when Sören was looking for new repertoire for horn and electronics which resulted in the audiovisual composition redeem that was premiered the year after. FLUID DYNAMIX video/horn duo was established to share the passion for new music and to challenge the traditional concert form. Tonights program consist of compositions for horn and electronics written for Sören intervened with short videos that glues the different pieces together.
Simon Halvarsson (*1989)
is educated at the masters program at the Royal College of Stockholm as soloist. between 2014-17. He got his bachelor degree at the university of Örebro in 1914. Although he works with most of the classical percussion instruments, and even drum kit, he has his expertise in solo percussion and mallet instruments, especially the marimba.
My Hellgren (*1977)
My Hellgren lives in Göteborg, Sweden, and works as a cellist in many different contexts. She is mostly active in the scene of contemporary music and is a member of Curious chamber players and ensemble Mimitabu. She is occasionally working with other ensembles like Gageego! and Scenatet and as a substitute in several symphony orchestras such as GSO and the Gothenburg opera.
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet
is a Swedish saxophone quartet, formed in 1969, dedicated to contemporary music. They have commissioned and performed more than 700 pieces written by some of the most established composers in the world. They have released several CDs on the public label ”Phono Suecia” and have toured in both Europe, South America and Africa. They consists of Mathias Karlsen Björnstad – soprano saxophone, Jörgen Pettersson – alto saxophone, Leif Karlborg – tenor saxophone, Linn Persson – baritone saxophone.